Restore Collagen Skin Naturally – HealthMix Info Tips

How To Restore Collagen In The Skin Naturally

Collagen is a protective fiber that acts as the connective tissue in the body. It is made of protein and thus contains a large amount of amino acids. Hydroxyproline and hydroxylysin found in collagen provide it with flexibility and strength to hold tissue and organs together, expand with growth and repair damaged cells. With age, collagen loses its elasticity and produces new cells at a lower rate. Creams and collagen injections can restore lost collagen temporarily.

However, methods that are more natural are available and much more preferable to deal with skin restoration. Beside these methods, you can also prevent further collagen loss by always wearing sunscreen whenever you are outdoors even during winter and cloudy days. The sunscreen should be able to protect you from both UVA and UVB rays with at least 30 sun protection factors. For this process, you will need Vitamin C foods, Lean protein, green tea creams, black tea creams, garlic and dark-colored fruits.

Step 1

To give your body the tools to turn proline and lysine into collagen,you need to make a healthy eating lifestyle change. So eat foods rich in vitamin C. These are mostly fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, broccoli, strawberries, blueberries and leafy greens.

Step 2

You should include, in your meals, lean meat and wheat germ to provide your body with sufficient amounts of lysine and proline required for restoration of collagen.

Step 3

Green and black tea contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients that can restore collagen and thus reduce wrinkles. Therefore, you should apply creams that contain extracts of both or one of these.

Step 4

To support collagen production, you should add garlic to your diet. Garlic contains taurine, lipoid acid and amino acids that contain sulphur which are well-known to help slow down the damage done to collagen.

Step 5

You should also use foods with high phytonutrients to supplement your collagen diet. Fruits such as blueberries, cherries, raspberries and blackberries contain anthocyanidins, which has been found to strengthen the collagen fibers to help maintain the skin making it look firmer and healthier.


You should be careful of skin care products that use the words ‘natural’ and/or ‘organic’. According to dermatologists, those terms are primarily marketing terms that are not necessarily true and do not mean that the products are offered or created in their natural state. Plant extracts usually undergo extensive processing before they can be used in a delivery mechanism like cream or lotion.